
3月, 2016の投稿を表示しています

What is iTDi?

 What is iTDi? iTDi is a global online teacher development institute that is owned and staffed by dedicated teachers.Our mission is to provide quality professional development that is meaningful, accessible and affordable for all teachers. We share a vision of a vibrant global community of educators, helping one another to become better teachers. The iTDi community brings together teaching professionals working at every level -- newcomers and veterans, native and non-native teachers from a wide range of contexts, all sharing a common belief that being a teacher means a never-ending commitment to growing and learning.  (from iTDi page http://itdi.pro/itdihome/about.php) “Why can you teach English?” “Why you??” “Are you teaching? Really?” Someone talked to me like that. I lost confidence and it was so frustrating. I felt lonely and I thought I should quit teaching. However, I didn’t give up. I am teaching with responsibility and pride.  My students’ English is improving. An...

Think Read Write Workshop in Osaka

It was a 7hours long seminner, but I never felt that long. We learned not only what’s in the book but how the author uses Think Read Writr and what happend to his students. I think that’s what most of the teachers wanted to know. It was really interesting. While I was listening to his story, I got some new ideas and smiling  leaning kids with TRW came into my mind. I felt so excited.  I tuely hope that I can do fun, exciting and challenging lessons for my students with Think Read Write. Whenever I talked about TRW with Eric, I learn new things. This time, too! I think Think Read Write is great textbook. In this seminar I knew something important that I can’t  tell from the book. And I guess other teachers flet the same as me. I shared some activities for this book.  If teachers who watched my activity thought " I can do it much better than you." "I'll do it like this."or " I've got new idea! " , I think I made it.  :)). I'm studying...


Yellow Bananaで採用している phonics のテキスト"Think Read Write"シリーズに日本語のガイドが付き、 1と2の日本語翻訳を担当させていただきました😄 先日届いたものを見ると、、、 やった! 私の翻訳だ👍🏻✨ 嬉しくて、 思わずハグしたー! 4月から使用するテキストには、私の翻訳が載っています🎶  フォニックスは、英語を読むためのルールのような物。これを低学年の内にやっているかどうかで、その後の英語のスキルアップに大きく影響すると確信しています。 文字を読んで見ると、いつも聞いていて知っている言葉だと気付いた時の子供たちの嬉しそうなお顔!  Yes!!! と大きくガッツポーズ! 小さな事かもしれませんが、大きな力に繋がる一歩。 出来た!もっとやる!と子供たちのやる気を起こさせてくれる、とても素敵なテキストです。 内容はシンプルで使いやすく、それでいて奥の深いテキスト。 確実に子供たちの力となっています。 こんな素敵なテキストの翻訳をさせて頂くなんてとても光栄です。 著者のEric 先生、的確なアドバイスをくださったKumikoさんありがとうございました!  今後も、教材研究、指導方法のトレーニングを続けて、より良いレッスンをご提供させていただきます。 ありがとうございました! Think Read Writeはこちらから購入できます。 https://www.englishbooks.jp/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?search_criteria=0&keywords=think+read+write&search_in_description=0&osCsid=92309ba1ab89f32f7b72ff22b0bdaf64&x=31&y=14  Yellow Bananaは新メンバー募集中です http://ybkidsfun.wix.com/yb-kids-englis h